Kajiken is a renowned Japanese chain celebrated for our exceptional abura soba. At Kajiken, we are dedicated to perfecting the art of this distinctive ramen style, showcasing our unwavering commitment to flavor and technique. Through precise seasoning, meticulous cooking methods, and the finest ingredients, we craft an unparalleled taste experience that defines our brand.
The first Kajiken was established in Fukuro, Showa-ku, Nagoya in January. Kajiken has gained popularity worldwide.
The first affiliated franchise store opened in Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya.
The number of Kajiken franchise stores in Japan reached 35 stores, leading to the establishment of the Kajiken Management Company.
In March, Kajiken opened its first international franchise store in Singapore. In May, the second international franchise was launched in China. This marked an important milestone in Kajiken's development journey; the company achieved a total of 50 stores worldwide and established its own noodle manufacturing facility.
Kajiken successfully expanded its presence globally, reaching a remarkable milestone of 100 stores worldwide. The inaugural United States location was opened in Baltimore, Maryland, in August.
In November 2023, New Zealand welcomed its first KAJIKEN restaurant in downtown Auckland, marking the brand's expansion into the country. Plans are underway to open additional branches in various cities.
The first Kajiken was established in Fukuro, Showa-ku, Nagoya in January. Kajiken has gained popularity worldwide.
The first affiliated franchise store opened in Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya.
The number of Kajiken franchise stores in Japan reached 35 stores, leading to the establishment of the Kajiken Management Company.
In March, Kajiken opened its first international franchise store in Singapore. In May, the second international franchise was launched in China. This marked an important milestone in Kajiken@apos;s development journey; the company achieved a total of 50 stores worldwide and established its own noodle manufacturing facility.
Kajiken successfully expanded its presence globally, reaching a remarkable milestone of 100 stores worldwide. The inaugural United States location was opened in Baltimore, Maryland, in August.
In November 2023, New Zealand welcomed its first KAJIKEN restaurant in downtown Auckland, marking the brand's expansion into the country. Plans are underway to open additional branches in various cities.